Tamarack Camps Blog

Forever Bonded By Agree

This summer, we offered the very first “Agree Outpost Camper and Staff Reunion” at Charles N. Agree Outpost Camp, just outside of Wawa, Ontario. I had the joy and privilege of being the Agree Director for 21 years, and through this reunion, I was once again at the helm to provide two wonderful weeks of … Read more

Outpost Excursion

In my role as the Chief Advancement Officer, I have the privilege of seeing firsthand how all our programs advance our mission. Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to see Camp Kennedy and the Charles N. Agree Outpost Camp in action and was reminded how special these programs are within our camp community.  Our … Read more

Summer is Open!

During this month, arrival to the summer has opened… by bus, in the car, and through the air! As of tonight’s publication, Adat Shalom Synagogue has been the home ground for five bus departures: two Alaska trips, two Western excursions (with a third slated for next week), and a trek to the upper peninsula and … Read more

This is Our Moment!

Every summer, we pick a summer song as our theme. It is not an easy task because we want something that all campers and staff can connect to and hopefully introduce them to a new song. This year’s song is “Our Moment” by Vassy. It is about taking chances, reaching for the stars, and showing … Read more

Creating a Culture of Philanthropy

One of my favorite days at camp is music lunch. The Chadar Ochel (dining hall) is alive with campers and counselors dancing and singing; plates of grilled cheese and tomato soup are rattling to the beat. You would never know by watching the face-to-face scream-singing, arm-in-arm dancing, and absolute euphoria that camp began less than … Read more


With positive adrenaline rushing, the curtains closed on our annual event, Send a Kid to Tamarack (“SK2T”)… and, still, the overflowing crowd continued with inspirational conversations about our honorees, Doreen Hermelin and Jason Luckoff, community supporters shared more sweet stories about “The Greatest Place on Earth,” and even more kids were provided an opportunity to attend Tamarack Camps. … Read more

Community Support

Before we enter our summer season, I want to share my gratitude for the many volunteers that worked tirelessly on this month’s SK2T event, which especially includes Julie Trepeck Harris (VP of Advancement), and the co-chairs of our program, Maddi Ishbia Luckoff, and Lisa Korotkin Rothberger. Amongst many highlights of the evening, I felt especially … Read more

The Staff are Coming!

We are just one week away from the start of Summer 2023 Staff Training! Supervisors arrive on June 1 and will continue to settle in Ortonville through June 12. We believe that we have the best camp staff in the world, and our robust training is second to none. In total, we will “Welcome Home!” over 360 staff … Read more

Sending Kids To Camp

We are excited that spring has sprung because we are now within closer range of this summer! This month, the program team has been working hard on so many upcoming exciting events, including Taste of Tamarack, which is at the beginning of May (see below for additional details). On this day, our agency will welcome … Read more