Amy Skimin Stanfield

Senior Manager of Marketing and Communications

Amy, aka the camp storyteller, has been sharing Tamarack’s story since January 2024. With bachelor’s degrees in journalism and political science and a master’s in public administration, plus a background in higher education communications and journalism, she has strong feelings on the Oxford comma (no) and is a stickler for AP style. When she’s not managing agency communications, Amy enjoys running half-marathons and spending time with her family — husband Jesse, two boys (both Tamarack campers), two dogs, a cat, and a frog named Jeffrey. Fun fact: She can sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” in Yiddish — just don’t ask her to sing anything else!

Favorite camp activity: Spotting the Irving Berg sculptures around Camp Maas

Favorite camp food: It’s a tie between sloppy Joes and chicken nuggets

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