Lee Trepeck

Chief Executive Officer

Lee’s journey with summer camp began as a camper and staff member in northern Michigan, fueling his dream of one day working in the camping industry. After graduating from the University of Michigan, he worked on Capitol Hill, attended law school, and ventured into law, franchise operations and real estate, until 2009, when his dream came true and he became the director of Camp Maas, overseeing camp life for 12 summers (and watching his children, Jamie and Andy, grow up at Camp). Now, as Chief Executive Officer of Tamarack Camps, Lee collaborates with talented professionals and dedicated supporters to fulfill Tamarack’s mission. A lifelong Bruce Springsteen fan, Lee has a quote from “The Boss” for every occasion. When he’s not at camp, he lives in Huntington Woods with his wife Robin, whom he met at summer camp in 1979.

Proudest accomplishment: Working with Federation to bring 140 campers — nearly double the usual number — from Israel to Camp Maas during the summer of 2024

Favorite camp food: The chicken at Shabbat dinner

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