2023 Annual Meeting

Mike Cooper, President

Less than a week following the conclusion of Tamarack Camps’ 121st summer, our community gathered once again in the “fresh air” at Springdale Park for the 2023 Annual Meeting. The evening began with outgoing board member, Rabbi Harold Loss, delivering the D’var Torah, followed by greetings from Howard Neistein, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit’s Chief Officer of Strategic Partners. Cami Katzen, a TLV camper, shared her positive summer experience on the Joy and Allan Nachman Teen Leadership Trip to Israel and then as a young leader at Camp Maas.
The motions to elect a new slate of officers and board members were unanimously approved. After a summer filled with many emotions, it was comforting and motivating to be together, surrounded by so many supporters, alumni, staff members, and friends, including past presidents, Shelley Hutton, Richard Komer, Joe Lash, Michael Lippitt, and Ron Sollish.
The President’s Award was presented to Mark Milgrom for his special connection to Tamarack’s schlichim and dedication to promoting Israel solidarity. For the previous 20 summers, Mark has provided a dinner at camp for all Israeli staff filled with Israeli food – providing our Israeli staff a taste of home and the comfort of a second mishpacha (family). 
As the summer camp season concludes and we look ahead to the new year, we want to say “thank you” to our camp community for another BEST. SUMMER. EVER! Together, we have so much to be proud of, and we look forward to an even brighter future for Tamarack Camps!
Please enjoy photos from the annual meeting by clicking here.