Transformation, Gratitude…and Hope

By Lee Trepeck, Chief Executive Officer

As the beginning month of this new year unfolds, I am writing to express some of the many emotions that have dominated my first 26 days of 2024:

  • Elation – The HuG and Wolfe Village! As we previously shared the generosity of Harriet and Gregg Orley (The HuG) and Andi and Larry Wolfe (Wolfe Village), the camp community has responded with heightened excitement toward our upcoming projects. In light of the HuG, so many new conversations are centered around the value of newly created spaces to continue celebrating Judaism! And, within 24 hours of describing Wolfe Village, new campers enrolled! This 123-year-old camping agency continues to embrace tradition while evolving with today’s needs.
  • Passion – As we ramp up preparation for Send A Kid to Tamarack, the honor of honoring Elaine and Michael Serling (Community Leaders), along with Naomi Miller (Distinguished Alumna), is reverberating. During our planning efforts, we can clearly feel our honorees’ positive energy, which reflects years of impactful connection to Tamarack Camps — and so many celebratory accomplishments, contributions and commitments to important causes.
  • Appreciation – As our staff sits at the conference table in our office, organizing year-round engagement at our playgrounds, I have such deep gratitude for our year-round team. With different voices and varying methods of finding success, every team member contributes from the same page: a relentless commitment to meet our mission, achieve excellence and create a nurturing home for our community members. 
  • Respect – During last night’s well-attended board meeting, I felt even further motivated by inspiring reports and valued engagement from our lay leaders, who volunteer countless hours, add deep intelligence and provide important perspective.  
  • Hope – As we move forward into the new year… I hope for health. I pray for safety. I yearn for peace in our community, around the country, in Israel (Am Yisrael Chai) and across the world.

And, within all of the above emotions — and so many more — I wish the best for your families. May this year be a positive blessing.