By Mike Cooper, President
In January of 2023, our board of directors approved a Strategic Plan as a guidepost for the upcoming three years of operation. Last night, in our continued belief that it is a living document (not merely intended to sit on the shelves), our current board of directors reviewed, updated and engaged about the pillar of Advancement. We heard so much passion around the table!
Through the professional leadership of Chief Advancement Officer Gabe Neistein, we appreciate the volunteers who work tirelessly to help us achieve our goals, including VP of Advancement Elizabeth Sollish and Associate Chair of Advancement Stefan Teodosic. They led our meeting, which also included breakout rooms filled by professional staff including CEO Lee Trepeck, CFO Andy Belsky and Camp Director Carly Weinstock, along with volunteer members of our Advancement subcommittees and representatives from other areas around the agency. Collectively, we established even more ways to connect our lay leaders and members of the community to further advance the mission of Tamarack Camps.
I feel proud to be one voice in this ongoing process!