
Lee Trepeck, Chief Executive Officer

With positive adrenaline rushing, the curtains closed on our annual event, Send a Kid to Tamarack (“SK2T”)… and, still, the overflowing crowd continued with inspirational conversations about our honorees, Doreen Hermelin and Jason Luckoff, community supporters shared more sweet stories about “The Greatest Place on Earth,” and even more kids were provided an opportunity to attend Tamarack Camps. In other words, even later in the evening, the “Bright Lights” from an emotionally charged event still shined! 
Now, with excitement fresh from SK2T, the curtains soon rise on the summer of ‘23… and campers are beginning their final stretch in school, staff training schedules are in place and our teams are preparing to mobilize around Camp Maas, Butzel, the upper peninsula, Canada, the Western United States, Alaska, and Israel. In other words, as Memorial Day approaches, the unofficial opening of our programs has arrived!  
As we build momentum toward these upcoming months, I remain grateful for such a supportive community and talented team, which, throughout the year, work tirelessly to create a vibrant Jewish camp experience.   Together, I look forward to another best summer – filled with good health, new friends, special reunions, safety, and peace.  I am thrilled that we are linked in this 121-year-old story – and can’t wait to see you at our first bus departure (AK1!) in 24 days!