The Purple piece

The Be’eri girls together memorialized one of their best friends, Yheal. 

In their words:

In this piece, we wanted to show you the story about our good friend who grew up with us since day zero and was a significant and important person for us all. She was murdered on October 7 in her home.

We decided to paint the background purple since it was her favorite color. The sentence in Hebrew translates to, “Like a bird, you are free.” We chose this quote because this is the way she lived. The bird that we drew is called “shaldag” (translated as kingfisher). We painted this bird because it was the name of our class in the Kibbutz. 

Since we got to camp, we were thinking about how much fun she would have had if she was here. So, we promised ourselves we will commemorate her in every way, anywhere in the world. 

We combined this painting beside the table that is dedicated to the hostages because her father, Eli, is still held hostage. Since Yheal can’t call for the release of her father and fight to bring him back, we are calling for the release of all the hostages as soon as possible and to bring them home now!