Mission Moment

Lee Trepeck, Chief Executive Officer

Last night, at the Jewish Federation and United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit Combined Board Meeting, I was honored to present on behalf of Tamarack Camps, where I highlighted our agency’s resiliency in the midst of COVID-19 – and, in my remarks, shared challenges, successes, and vision for the upcoming season. Afterward, I had the distinct pleasure to introduce Becca Fishman. She was an easy selection to deliver the evening’s “Mission Moment” – a story of how one has connected to camp and our Detroit Jewish community.

Through her story, Becca chronicled a meaningful journey, which began with a financial scholarship – supported by the community – allowing her to attend camp as a 6-year-old in our youngest village, Shiffman. From there, she soared for 21 consecutive years – maximizing experiences through camper programs, staffing assignments, and supervisor responsibilities. In 2016, she joined our year-round team, assuming new roles in her progression of tasks: Development Associate, Marketing Coordinator, Coordinator of the Teen Mission to Israel, and Program Director; now, following the summer of 2021, she has assumed the title of Associate Director at Camp Maas.

Further, Becca shared: I owe it to donors and volunteers like you wh0 invest in our community’s youth. If it wasn’t for that, I would never have had these past 21 years of memories, experiences, and opportunities. You can say I grew up at camp and in this community. I became my best self at camp and learned from our communal leaders.  I became independent, created lifelong friendships, and made memories that will last a lifetime.”

The room seemed to shed a collective tear, and then she concluded with the following:

“My journey doesn’t end – because I want the next generation to have a transformative Jewish experience like I did. It’s why I work at “The Greatest Place on Earth!”

That’s a “mission moment!”

Now, on November 1st, applications are available for the summer of 2022 – and returning campers will create space for new campers to add additional links to our Tamarack Circle. And I wonder:

What will become of their mission? How will the journey unfold for this upcoming generation?

On Monday, we turn the page of our book, undertake a new chapter, and begin to answer for the future.

More mission moments to come.