The Manhigim Council

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2020-2021 Manhigim Council

Tamarack Camps is thrilled to partner with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit to bring you the 2020-2021 Manhigim Council! Previously known as Teen Council, this group will provide leadership skills for teens from around the globe.

Goals of this group include, but are not limited to the following:

  • To create meaningful relationships between American, Canadians, and Israeli teens
  • Build a cohesive group prior to the summer experience
  • Enhance leadership skills and Jewish identity
  • Educate teens on Tamarack Camps, the Central Galilee Michigan Partnership, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, and Israeli/American Jewry
  • Prepare participants to be TLV’s at Camp Maas

For additional information, please contact Becca Fishman at (248) 952-9110 or email

Interested in joining? Please complete the below application:

The Manhigim Council - 2020-2021