Why Summer Camp? I’ll Tell You Why.

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Why Summer Camp? I’ll Tell You Why.

For Tamarack campers, the end of June brings endless smiles. School closes for two whole months and campers move to their “home away from home.” Mornings are spent with sleepy-eyed bunkmates and nights come alive with laughter. Days are filled with friends, food-fights, and countless memories. Ask those of us who went to camp and … Read more

Alumni Champion- Joel Kirsch

Joel Kirsch began at Tamarack Camps in 1991 as a Senior Side camper at Brighton. The next step in his Tamarack journey took him through the Maas villages from DeRoy, all the way to Pioneer. His camper years culminated with the Western and Alaska trips. Joel was then a TSS, a counselor in DeRoy and … Read more